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Google is Highjacking Traffic from Your Web Content with “Page Annotations” Barry Schwartz just released a video highlighting Google working on a new test that is injecting links into your website content, taking users off to the Google Search results page. Google calls this “page annotations”. It’s currently being tested on the Google App on…
Good Content Does Land Organic Links There’s a lot of naysayers out there when it comes to creating good content with the intention of getting links. Sure, it’s not easy and you need to know what you’re doing, but there’s no question, it definitely works! We’ve been running a solid content calendar for one of…
Attending Charlotte’s Digital Summit (2016) So i got the chance to go to Digital Summit this year in Charlotte, North Carolina. A plug for Straight North, it was one of my last weeks there and I fortunately got to attend with them. I didn’t really have many expectations at first. I’ve been to quite a…