Our Blog – Everything Internet Marketing
Marketing / Advertising Agencies that Received PPP Loans (150K+) – COVID-19 We recently compiled data from the Small Business Administration (SBA) specific to advertising & marketing businesses that offer similar services to Kashmer Interactive. We wanted to see the effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our industry. We looked at businesses classified as “Advertising Agencies” &…
Google Local Business Insights from Client Data Running an agency that has a great depth of clients provides us with access to some awesome data. This data helps us do a better job of identifying problems, analyzing trends and providing better SEO. Within our portfolio of clients are the local service providers. We love these…
Blocking Traffic from Other Countries & It’s Affect on Google So over the last month or so i’ve debated blocking traffic to Kashmer Interactive from a few select countries. The main reason for wanting to do this is because my site, just like almost every other website out there, has been getting spammed lately. This…
Focusing on Core Service Offerings as a Business As an SEO Guru and internet marketer for over 15 years i’ve had a lot of experience working at different agencies and companies. Throughout my journey i have always fallen back to my true love and craft, SEO. Partly because I simply love SEO and how I…
Attending Charlotte’s Digital Summit (2016) So i got the chance to go to Digital Summit this year in Charlotte, North Carolina. A plug for Straight North, it was one of my last weeks there and I fortunately got to attend with them. I didn’t really have many expectations at first. I’ve been to quite a…
Kashmer Interactive is Live! The day is finally here! Kashmer Interactive has officially launched. The last 10+ years of my career in internet marketing has revolved around agency life. I’m extremely thankful for the opportunities I’ve had over the 10 years. Without those experiences I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in today. With that…